Studio 1310
Art classes and workshops
Alvaro Castagnet
“ Watercolor Masterclass”- Understanding the 4 Pillars
Workshop 4 + 5th May 2024
10.00am-4pm. Two days
1310 Malvern Rd, Malvern Victoria 3144
This workshop is an intense 2 days of inspiration, hard work and productive learning.
Capture the magic of watercolors in these 2 days painting workshop with Alvaro Castagnet. This is an opportunity to have fun learning from an energetic and colorful master of expressive watercolor.
Alvaro begins with philosophical introduction, thorough explanation of materials to use, and then follows by
a demonstration.
The demo will focus on bold composition with understanding of the 4 Pillars.
You will learn how to make quick decisions and simplify your subject to achieve the most impact. We will discuss Color relationships, tonal range, forms, shapes and edges.
Participants will then paint until we break for lunch
Alvaro will assist with answering questions and giving advice.
Participants are asked to start a second painting for the afternoon session, after Alvaro’s 2nd. Demonstration.
On the second day, Alvaro will demonstrate explaining every aspect of what makes a successful watercolor.
If they wish, Participants will have the opportunity to show the work they have produced to receive a final advise/critique.
Participants will obtain a clear understanding of the strength and weakness of the medium.
Limited to 15 participants only.
All classes start at 10:00am and finish at 4:00pm